The first post of an expat brit, cyclist and British Cycling Coach trying to survive in Italy. With a lovely Italian wife to guide me through the trials and tribulations of living #ladolcevita and understanding just how things get and not get done in Italy. Normally via who you know and not what you know..

There will be reviews of equipment, cycling "Italian style", my own training updates/progress as well as general day to day life living with the Azzurri. I hope you enjoy sharing my ups and downs the good times and not so good and like me can try to smile when it doesn't quite go my way...which in the first month has seen me been invariably defeated by Italian bureaucracy on a grand scale.

Most of the people have now got used to me in the village...that crazy englishman always riding his bike - he must be crazy he moved to Italy when we are all trying to get out of here !!

Next step on the  road to embracing italian life is to join a cycle club and of course Federazione Ciclistica Italiana so that I can at least compete in something and transfer my coaching accreditation too ( more paperwork). Time for a quick skip back to blightly before Christmas to see the family then back for Crimble Italian style - homemade lemoncello already made ;)

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